1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, November 24th, 2022 12:59 PM



Issues with Advanced Title Search - Not Displaying Full Results

In the Advanced Title Search, the results are not being displayed in full. For example, the only categories that I have checked are:

Title Type:

-TV Mini-Series

-TV Series

Release Date:

1982-01-01 to 1982-12-31

User Rating:

6.0 to 10

Number of Votes:

500 to 10000000



Sorted by:

User Rating Descending

With this, 23 titles are displayed. However, 'Cheers' is not one of them, despite it fitting into each category (TV Series, released in 1982, spoken in English, with a 7.9 from 55k votes).

This is not the only time that I have noticed this issue and am wondering why this continues to happen??



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

2 years ago

@GarrettWade  Thanks for the problem report.  The results now include "Cheers" -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series,tv_miniseries&release_date=1982-01-01,1982-12-31&user_rating=6.0,&num_votes=500,10000000&languages=en&sort=num_votes,desc&count=250

For background, the problem was not with advanced search itself but with the underlying data in IMDb -- unfortunately the title page for "Cheers" was missing the English language designation owing to a problem originally reported here. We have followed-up with the appropriate team for an update on the wider restoration of the missing data.  In the meantime, we have just re-added the English language to "Cheers" and hence the search result now works again.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 

If there are ever any issues with advanced title search not returning an expected result, it is always worth removing some of the search criteria to see where the issue may lie, for example here without the language requirement -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series,tv_miniseries&release_date=1982-01-01,1982-12-31&user_rating=6.0,&num_votes=500,10000000&sort=num_votes,desc

Thanks again for the problem report.