bill_goode's profile

45 Messages


2.3K Points

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 7:47 AM

No Status


Lists: Show Film Ratings on Lists

I would like for both my film ratings and IMDb film ratings to be shown on my lists. One of the sort options is to sort the list by either my rating or by the IMDb rating or by number of ratings. However, even after sorting the list by the IMDb rating, not all the IMDb ratings are shown. I would like to see both ratings shown on lists after being sorted, as well as number of ratings. On each film's homepage all three of these items are shown. I believe they should all three be shown on lists as well. Certainly the factor, that one sorts the list by, should be shown.

1 Message


92 Points

8 years ago

You're not alone.

4 Messages


100 Points

9 months ago

I want this feature as well. 

4 Messages


100 Points

9 months ago

When sharing a list with my friends, I would like them to be able to see my rankings. I have made my rankings public, but they are not shown when I share a list. It would add value to the sharing of lists, knowing how much the list owner appreciated each item on the list. Could you please add this feature? 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Lists that I share should also include my ratings