5 Messages


110 Points

Monday, October 23rd, 2023 5:15 PM



Merging two accounts or the lists of two accounts

Without realizing it, I created two different accounts on my pc and on my iphone. I would like to merge the lists which I created on these two accounts and keep only one account. Is this possible? How? Thanks in advance.  



1.3K Messages


12.6K Points

1 year ago

Hello @Laurent, 

Please note that it is not possible to merge IMDb accounts. In this case, in order not to create more confusion between the accounts, we recommend that you delete one of the accounts and continue with only one. 

We appreciate your understanding.

5 Messages


110 Points

Hello, @Jon, Thanks a lot for your response. I understand about the merging of accounts. But just to be sure: there is no way to merge two lists or to upload a list from one account into another one?



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Laurent​ If you ensure the list which you want to copy has been made public by its owning account, you can then login to the account which you wish to keep, and finally copy the list contents into a list owned by that account.  To copy the contents of a list, see the appropriate question in the Lists FAQ -> https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/track-movies-tv/lists-faq/GNQMN47VZSE7KW38

Hope this helps. 

5 Messages


110 Points

Thanks a lot @Col_Needham Indeed, the FAQ explains how to copy a list within one account. I still don't see how I can access from my account a public list created by another account and copy it in my account. As far as I know this is not explained in the FAQ. Can you explain how to do it? (I am not IMDBpro by the way). Thanks in advance.  



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Laurent​ You need to do this on the www.imdb.com website and not in the app.  You can see the URL of the list you want to copy on https://www.imdb.com/profile/lists 

5 Messages


110 Points

@Col_Needham So I found the list I want on IMDB.com. I copied it. Then I registered to my account and tried to copy the list in another list I created there. But nothing happened or it did not work. What am I missing?




7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Laurent​ It is as described above ...

1. Ensure the list whose contents you wish to copy is marked as public in the original account and note the URL of the list somewhere (or add it as a bookmark/favourite). 

2. Login to the account which you are keeping. 

3. Create an empty new list in this account. 

4. Go to the URL you saved in #1 and follow the steps for copying items from that list to the new list which you just created in step #3

For example, as a test you can try copying items from a public list I happen to have updated recently -> https://www.imdb.com/list/ls527957544/ 


5 Messages


110 Points

Thanks @Col_Needham It worked for 2 lists: when I did "copy to" the lists on my other account appeared... (why those of my other account and not yours for example is still not clear to me). But then I was not able to do it for the third one... without any explication... so I did it manually since it was a short list. So the case is solved for me and I thank you again. 
I believe your explanations here above should be included in the FAQ list. 
Have a nice day.