9 Messages


162 Points

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 8:14 PM

No Status


More Ways to Refine Watchlist

The Watchlist is such a great feature that I only just started using! One thing I don't like about it, though, is the limitations to refinement. For example, if I wanted to see all non-horror movies, that's not possible right now. It's also not possible to refine the list to, say, horror OR comedy. Right now if you select more than one genre, it strings them together as ANDs. Running with the previous example, it would only find movies that are horror comedies.

It would be great to expand the refinement feature to allow NOTs and ORs, in addition to the current ANDs.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

2 years ago

By using the Advanced Title Search, you can insert a NOT operator (!) in the URL. (But it doesn't help with your desire to perform OR operations, nor do I know of any way to achieve OR in ATS when it's not already programmed as OR.)

Example: to find comedies that are not horror, select both genres, then insert ! before the horror parameter:


9 Messages


162 Points

2 years ago

Thanks! I tried to do this in my watchlist and it didn't like it. It simply just returned one or the other, not both.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Right. You have to use ATS, and select your Watchlist, as I did to create the url above.

9 Messages


162 Points

Ahhh, I didn't see the watchlist on the end of the URL. I didn't realize you could use advanced search to just look at your watchlist. Well, even though it's not super straightforward, that's one feature down at least!

It would be nice to bake this into the watchlist itself. Sometimes when I'm just quickly looking for a movie watch, I go to my watchlist and select the genre there.