1 Message


72 Points

Saturday, October 21st, 2023 6:56 AM



My recent searches are all gone.

Honestly I was hoping to email IMDb technical support directly. But I suppose asking here might do. My recent searches have all but disappeared & I'm not sure if I did it by accident or something else happened. Thing is, I never ever clear out my searches, but since the "clear" option is right next to the little magnify search icon, there is a possibility that I accidentally touched it. What my question is perhaps if technical support could pull up my account on their end & retrieve my last 30 searches & let me know. My reasoning is that I searched a movie I feel like I wanted to add to my watch list but for the life of me I can't remember the title, director, cast, or what year it was released. But I believe it was a Thriller/Horror "B" type movie. & possibly released within the last 10 years. I know I'd recognize it if I saw it again.

98 Messages


2.5K Points

1 year ago

Disclaimer, up front: I'm not IMDb staff, nothing I say is informed by insider knowledge or should be considered definitive. I'm just a programmer who's passingly familiar with this type of stuff, and may be able to provide some insights. Take it as you please.

My recent searches have all but disappeared & I'm not sure if I did it by accident or something else happened.

Ouch,  sorry.That's a tricky one, and there are a lot of possibilities. Many recent releases of Android, for instance, will automatically clear out permissions and stored data for apps that haven't been used in X weeks/months. It's not likely that's what happened, since it sounds like you're a pretty active IMDb user so I wouldn't expect you'd have gone that long without using it, but it's one possible explanation (of many).

Thing is, I never ever clear out my searches, but since the "clear" option is right next to the little magnify search icon, there is a possibility that I accidentally touched it.

...Is it? On what platform? On Android they're clear across the screen from each other. (Not that it matters, ultimately. And I'm not doubting or questioning you in any way! I just figure it's helpful to know what software, exactly, we're talking about. Partly to gauge how familiar I am with it personally, partly because it's often relevant to tech-support questions.)

What my question is perhaps if technical support could pull up my account on their end & retrieve my last 30 searches & let me know.

Only an IMDb staffer can say definitively whether that's something they can do. But it's entirely possible they don't even have that data available, unfortunately. Privacy concerns being what they are these days, often things like search histories are kept in local storage on the device itself, and not associated with your account on their system. They may collect the data anonymously, for statistical purposes, but obviously if that's the case there'd be no way to connect it back to your account.

Perhaps IMDb's system is atypical (it's certainly older than most), and does keep that kind of information stored centrally. And like I said, only they can say with any authority. I just wanted to prepare you for the possibility that it's simply not information they have access to at all.

I hope I'm wrong, and if there's any way they can restore your data then I certainly hope they're able to help you out!

98 Messages


2.5K Points


I just figure it's helpful to know what software, exactly, we're talking about. Partly to gauge how familiar I am with it personally, partly because it's often relevant to tech-support questions.

Actually, there's a third reason: Because that is a terrible design, of which your experience is the depressingly predictable result, and somebody really needs to fix that!



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

1 year ago

@Nlk87 Unfortunately the history is only stored locally on your device / browser, so once cleared, it cannot be recovered, sorry.

98 Messages


2.5K Points

1 year ago


As far as alternative paths to finding the information... is there any possibility you also made any Google searches for the same movie, or anything related that might jog your memory?

Google does keep centralized search history logs (as well as browser navigation history, YouTube watches, etc.) associated with your user account, unless disabled (or browsing/searching without being logged in). Any Google user who hasn't disabled data collection can view their own account's complete history at https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity