1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, July 2nd, 2023 1:12 AM



No Ron Howard Director Credits

Your brilliant website remodelers forgot to list Ron Howard's Director credits. That is a BIG Goof!

We know they want the imdb site to look like the Cereal Aisle at the Grocery Store, big colourful boxes with no nutrition. And they're succeeding.

The old site was fine. It had info laid out well that allowed for logical train of thought pursuit of information and easy connection. This new one is a mental incontinence mess.

Also, why is there no way to contact imdb? I wanted to nicely point out the slight to Ron Howard, but no, you don't want folks to be able to interact with you. This is as close as I can figure to get a hold of you. I even tried checking the jobs section, hoping a sympathetic employee could pass on the BIG Goof. But no, it's all Amazon and nowhere to go (to).

Good luck, Ron Howard. I hope imdb realizes that you have directed some wonderful films.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

2 years ago

@Balakke 😀

? ?

Ron Howard (I) 😎

Director: 48 credits

The Shrinking of Treehorn

The Fixer
In Development

Origin of Species

In Development

- - -

https://help.imdb.com/contact - email






7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

2 years ago

Balakke: This is an example of flaws in the IMDb website design, not a failure to include Ron Howard's director credits.

A person's credits are prioritized by the number of credits they have in each occupation -- and each episode of a TV series is counted separately. Only their top 3 occupations are shown by default.

Ron Howard has more credits as a producer than anything else, followed by actor, and he has a lot more writer credits than I expected since he has "based on characters created by" credits on the 51 episodes of the two "Parenthood" TV series. 

So Howard's producer, actor, and writer credits -- his top 3 occupations -- are shown by default on IMDb:

Notice that above his producer credits, his three top jobs -- producer, actor, and writer -- are highlighted. To see his director credits, click on Director, and this is what you will get:
So, yes, Ron Howard's director credits are indeed listed on IMDb. This is not how I would have preferred people's credits to be displayed, but this is how IMDb's management has chosen to display them.




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

2 years ago

(I'm using the desktop version of IMDb.)

Ron Howard has 48 director credits. 

Only the first 3 categories are auto-opened; director is his 4th.

Since he has more credits as a director than as a writer (the 3rd category), perhaps he/his people have decided to emphasize writing over directing.

If you're not seeing the ability to view more categories of work than the 3 that are auto-opened, you should provide a screenshot and specify how you are accessing the site (desktop or which app, what device/OS).