20 Messages


296 Points

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 7:54 AM



Pages take forever to load

I have been experiencing a strange problem lately. Whenever I open a movie page on IMDb, it takes an extraordinarily long time to load. However, what's even more strange is that when I open the same page and let it load while I switch to another tab, it loads normally and quickly. So every time I open a movie page, I have to switch to another tab for a few seconds before returning to it. Why is this happening?



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

2 years ago

@Camita Please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF and particularly note the point on disabling plug-ins such as ad blockers and page accelerators. 

20 Messages


296 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thank you for your replay. I did, nothing changed. I tried also on my Firefox which does not even have any plug-ins or ad blockers and the same problem is there too.




7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Camita​ Sorry to hear.  If you have a VPN, please try disabling it, or better, if you have another network available (for example, using your phone as a WiFi hot-spot) try again using that and let us know.  If you have another computer/laptop/tablet, do you see the same issue there? 

Unfortunately this is going to be a local problem with your system and/or network which is difficult for us to diagnose remotely, sorry. 

20 Messages


296 Points

I tried everything. I don't use VPN. I have a very fast internet. Every other sites I use regularly are working just fine, except imdb, and that I would say four days ago is when I first noticed this problem. And please remember I said when I go to another tab, the page loads fast and normal, so my internet is not the problem. I don't know what is making it slow to load if I stayed and didn't move to a different tab.



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Camita​ This class of problem usually turns out to be some kind of web accelerator software or hardware. If it is across every browser on your system and it still behaves the same in a private browsing / incognito tab, it tends to suggest something global on the system or network (which is why we advise trying different hardware if you have it, or using your phone as a WiFi hotspot to try and isolate the issue). 


20 Messages


296 Points

Before posting here I did everything I can think of to make sure it isn't a local problem. I'll just wait, maybe it will fix itself with time.

20 Messages


296 Points

Hi again. I'm still trying to find out what causes this. When I click inspect on the page, there is a thing in "network" tab that takes 21 seconds to load. It's named "token" and this link is with it

What is it? and what should I do with it if it's what is causes the problem?

Please see these images:

20 Messages


296 Points

Please ignore my last post, as I don't think it is the problem now. I think it is something loading in the background but I don't know how to identify it.



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Camita​ Thanks for flagging the /api/token issue; this is indeed an unnecessary attempt on our side of loading something which will always fail (hence the error), however, it does not block the page content from loading.  We have tagged this to be removed in any case to simplify the page. 



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@Camita​ Sorry for the delay on this.  The stray attempt at loading this extra URL has been removed. 

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

What about antivirus software?

2 Messages


70 Points

1 year ago

I have discovered that imdb's JS attempts to access from time to time, which is AWS's EC2 metadata service for the local EC2 instance. This is kind of alarming. I don't happen to be browsing imdb on an EC2 instance, so it doesn't affect me, but it certainly raises my eyebrows.

Can you confirm that this is nothing nefarious?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled imdb website tries to access AWS EC2 metadata service



7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

@replicnt6 It is nothing nefarious — it’s a bug which was discussed towards the end of this recent thread -> https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/pages-take-forever-to-load/64bb8b3f1549b93022b55741?commentId=64bbe20e1549b93022b56c00&replyId=64cc2264a44bc9260685b790 

The relevant portion of the software has been tagged for clean-up.