saul_305fhjkqb5lq6's profile

3 Messages


100 Points

Monday, January 13th, 2020 11:38 AM

No Status


Please add an import list feature.

 Please add import csv list feature.
Like and comment this post so it moves up and noticed.

I have an account that was never verified and I now have no access to the email. 
I can't change email and I have a different account. 

I would like to export list than import the list into my other account.

3 Messages


100 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled IDEA SUGGESTION: I know IMDB allows to export, however no import features availab....

 Please add import csv list feature.
Like and comment this post so it moves up and noticed.

8 Messages


126 Points

3 years ago

Please add option "create a list from excel file".


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Create List from file import

6 Messages


90 Points

I think that it is safe to say that, they will never allow normal contributors (i.e. non-employees) to bulk upload anything to any part of the DB. That's far too risky to the integrity of the database - and I mean that both in terms of the information being verifiable and in terms of the database being corrupted by some inconsistent data field tags.

I had to run mass database import updates every year, for a professional org I used to freelance with, and it was a amazingly easy to "break" something, even when I did everything correctly. 

I realize Lists are a little less risky, but I would be that any kind of bulk-upload request is going to be a hard no.

8 Messages


126 Points

@EpigrammaticKat​ it's just text or movie's name.

6 Messages


90 Points

@Sabeti1993​ Yes, but you have to consider that actually creating the mechanism to do it, would still involve allowing amateurs to run mass-uploads to their databases.

Even if most people's lists wouldn't be longer than 10-20 names...

Even if most people would know how to use an upload Excel template, and/or match field names correctly...

Even if it's only a list of titles, actors, etc.... and the necessary database field to link those names directly to their IMDB id tags (i.e. TT numbers) so that the list operates properly once uploaded to the website, regardless of there being several dozen films titled "Jumper" and there being enough people named John Williams in the database to go up to at least CCLXXXII (I didn't keep scanning for a higher number than that)...

Like I said, it's an amazingly easy thing to screw up, even if you know what you're doing. I certainly don't speak for the IMDB, and my prediction on this could be wrong. But considering what I know about how this works on the back end, I still doubt it's something IMDB would be entirely keen on.

8 Messages


126 Points

@EpigrammaticKat​ ok, thanks.

I hope they will find a solution for it in the future.

3 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

Why don't you allow me to import my watchlist in CSV format, so I can use you as my primary database of movie information. Until you do, You are of little use to me. Take a hint from

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Import



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @ira_tozer -

We currently allow the export of Watchlists to csv format, but we don't have the option to import.

2 Messages


70 Points

11 months ago

Good morning,

I am new in IMDb and I would like to import my data from a file to get my watched series or films. Is this possible? 

I need to have all my register or my viewed list.

Thank you in advance

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Import data



1.3K Messages


12.6K Points

Hello @EPA


Please note that we do not allow for import, only export. 


For more information please visit our help pages.

3 Messages


70 Points

I have a file stored on my computer that contains a bunch of movie names and IMDb IDs that I've watched (456 to be exact) and I want to add them to a list on IMDB. Obviously, going through my file and adding each title one by one would take forever. I think it would be a nice feature to be able to import titles from a file on your computer.

Something just like a text file containing an IMDb ID on each line, like so



Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Import titles from file on computer to IMDb list