8 Messages


144 Points

Friday, June 16th, 2023 8:44 PM



Ratings on Lists

Some of my ratings are not showing up on lists. For example, on the IMDB Top 250 list there are several movies I have seen and rated, yet they show as not being rated on the list. I have checked the title page and it is rated there, just not on the list. This also happens on the "How much have you seen?" list generated from a name page. Several titles shown as not rated when they actually have been rated. I have rated over 10,000 movies in 20 years on IMDb. Maybe this is why some older ratings are not showing up??



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

1 year ago

Hello @abbatazappa, 

In order to help you, can you please provide us with more details? We need screenshots and also if you can share the URL link of the titles you are rating and you don't see them with your ratings in the lists.

Thanks in advace!

8 Messages


144 Points

1 year ago

Ok. From the Federico Fellini "name" page :


Scroll down and on the right hand side you see this:

Follow that link and you will see a list. Change "show" to director, and "in" to movies. Click Go. 
The list looks like this:
Number 5 on the list, Roma, has no rating. However, I have rated that title (and many others also not showing that I have rated them). If you go to the page for Roma, for example:
You can see that I have actually rated Roma a 6. 
This is just one example. I could go on and on and generate lists where my ratings are not shown even though I have rated it. 
Thanks, Jerry.

8 Messages


144 Points

1 year ago

Another example, a bit simpler. From the IMDb Top 250 list


Notice no rating for The Exorcist. However, 



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

Hello @abbatazappa,

Thank you for reporting this situation.

I've forwarded this information to the appropriate team for further investigation. I'll reply once we receive further information. Thank you for your patience.​ 



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

1 year ago

Hello @abbatazappa,

Thank you for your patience!

Our technical team is currently working on updates to the site. They want to know if you still notice an issue on the modernized version of the page? Are you able to drop into it? 

8 Messages


144 Points

1 year ago

All of my ratings do appear on the "new" version of the Top 250 page (including The Exorcist). However, still missing ratings on many of the lists generated by the "How Much Have You Seen" link from a name page (for example, the Fellini list I mentioned in the original post is still missing many of my ratings). It does not appear that list is the "newer" version of the site however, it still looks like the old one.  Also missing ratings from custom lists generated by the Advanced Search function. 



729 Messages


8K Points

Hello @abbatazappa​,

Thanks for confirming. I have forwarded your answer to our tech team. They will investigate further in order to resolve this as soon as possible.

We'll reply once we receive further information.



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

Hello @abbatazappa,

We can confirm that this issue is now resolved. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

8 Messages


144 Points

Well, not really resolved, it still happens on the majority of lists, as well as the "How Much Have You Seen" list. The only place it isn't happening is on the "new" IMDb Top 250 list. I supposed we will know if the rest is resolved when the "new" website is implemented elsewhere. 

8 Messages


144 Points

1 year ago

For example, Fellini once again, from the "How Much Have You Seen" list generator:

The statistic on the upper right says I have seen 11/24 titles. In actuality I have seen 18/24 titles because 7 titles I have rated show as not being rated on this list (full list is not in this picture).



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

Hello @abbatazappa​, 

I've sent this information to our tech team. I'll circle back once I have new information.

Thank you for reporting this and for your patience! 

8 Messages


144 Points

I followed up on this today using my old favorite Fellini. It appears to be fixed! I have not changed any ratings, but they are now showing up correctly on the "How Much Have You Seen" list generator. Thank you!