17.7K Messages
315.8K Points
Redesigned Title Full Credits BETA OPT-IN
Before launching IMDb’s redesigned Title Full Credits page, we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between February 18th and early March. You can find more details on the opt-in Beta here.
We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
— The IMDb Website Team
14 Messages
226 Points
19 days ago
well, you objectively made it worse.
it should be really easy for anyone to see.
it was more readable before.
Is there some marketing executive or other interest, who thinks you'll make more money for some reason if the page is harder to read?
Or is the person doing the redesign just not very good at their job?
I hope you'll give people the option to view the old format.
14 Messages
226 Points
19 days ago
The main reason the original version is better is that the list of roles is aligned.
If I'm looking at the cast list, I either want to scan the list of actors, or the list of roles/characters they play.
If it's aligned, I can scan down the list until I see the one I want.
In the new design, it's harder to do that because they are not aligned.
It's then neater for the list of episodes to expand in place than to pop up. What if I want to compare two actors? The link for this is too far to the right, it just looks weird and less related to the actor and their role.
It's so weird that you need a random on the internet to tell you these things. Please don't ruin the site.
14 Messages
226 Points
19 days ago
Three readable columns. You can easily scan down either actor name or character name.
45 Messages
1K Points
19 days ago
I know I'm screaming into the wind here, but this redesign is objectively terrible. I assume that, like most of the terrible changes this site implements, it's meant to make things easier on mobile devices, but I don't think it even accomplishes that. In addition to being less easy to use (which, one would think, is the most important aspect of web design), it's genuinely difficult to look at. I think, combined with the harsher glow from mobile devices, looking at a page like that would be a real headache after any period of time.
Also, will the hyperlinks still change color after they've been clicked on? I assume they don't now because it's just a test run, but if the plan is for them not to do it, I think that should be changed. Not only does that make it easier to keep track of what links I've clicked on, it will also help break up the color scheme.
Obviously my preference (and the preference of just about every one who actually uses this site) is for this change not to go through at all, or at the very least to provide us an option to keep the old version (much like how you did with list editing). At least when the site made bad changes in the past, I could sort of see how it would help the people running the site, but this just seems to be an arbitrary change for the sake of change. It's frustrating that instead of focusing on actual improvements that would make the site a better experience for the users, the only updates that get made around here are just nonsense like this.
6 Messages
228 Points
19 days ago
Do the department titles really need to be so gigantic compared to the list of names? Can you consider resizing them? It looks really messy and unbalanced right now.
1 Message
60 Points
19 days ago
STOP!!!!!! It's horrible. Why do you people make it harder and harder to use this site. The ridiculous bold fonts and colors make it impossible to read. @Maghuk is absolutely right about the alignment and information currently provided. The new version has tons of negative white space and that is not something to strive for. Seriously the web designers need to be fired. Don't 'Fix' what isn't broken. This is not an improvement. The new design is trash.
1 Message
62 Points
19 days ago
I like that you guys are concerned with the page, but I don't like the masks on the headshots. This isn't a social media site, these pictures are specifically chosen by the actors.
No matter what, do not put a mask over the headshots.
The way it is now, the information is dense, it's easy to parse, it's fine.
If any changes were to be made, I'd prefer if the thumbnail size of the image was doubled.
8 Messages
164 Points
19 days ago
All of my criticism was gathered from this screenshot. It was taken on a laptop at full screen.
1. THERE SHOULD NOT BE THIS MUCH EMPTY SPACE. It doesn't just look worse, it looks amateurish.
2. Multiple actors in this screenshot played two different characters on the same show. You have ALLLLLLL of this space to use, so why aren't you showing both of the characters that they portrayed?
3. The color of the character names is too light. The names of the characters aren't standing out like the names of the actors.
4. It's been said before, but the headshots are WAY TOO SMALL. They're the size of one single Dippin Dot.
So at the risk of sounding like that guy, this new design is considerably worse.
14.7K Messages
333K Points
18 days ago
Sometimes there is this parenthesis with data which just duplicates a part of the occupation which follows a colon:
The data in the parenthesis does not come from the attribute field:
These examples are from:
14.7K Messages
333K Points
18 days ago
I wonder why, on series pages, only the cast get the clickable number of episodes with more details. For the crew you have to go to their name page and then click the number of episodes to get the same type of information (such as which episodes they worked on).
2 Messages
90 Points
18 days ago
Just created an account so I can agree with everyone commenting—this “redesign” throws away useful information and makes the page harder to use. Like others, I use the columns to look for roles and actors; by dumping the columns and having the roles in small grey type after the actors’ names, scanning for a role is much harder.
if accessibility is a goal, why is the type smaller? Whitespace is awesome, when used sensibly, but here we have swathes of empty space that does nothing.
No doubt the vast majority of IMDB visitors would think this redesign is fine—probably the vast majority of users never look at the full cast & crew page at all. Many of the people who do use these pages will be disappointed and annoyed, but most of them won’t take the time to creat yet another account and provide feedback on the changes. The people who have done that obviously care a lot, and the fact that the complaints are all in alignment is a strong hint that people are seeing the same issues. I use IMDB almost every time I watch a movie or TV show, and I bet the other commenters use it at least as much. Listen to us.
34 Messages
402 Points
18 days ago
Thanks everyone for your feedback so far.
I'll reply back to this thread with updates on the above as soon as I receive them.
1 Message
78 Points
18 days ago
I hate this new design. As someone who has my own web series, which I constantly update on IMDB these changes are very annoying and unhelpful. I like to double check whether I've added everything correctly or if I've accidentally missed a cast member on an episode or something, these changes make this a lot harder, especially if I'm using the search tool, because I often like to click multiple of the dropdowns at once and then search for a specific episode using Ctrl+F search tool, but with the new update this is impossible as you can only view one person's episode list at once, which means you can't view multiple at a time and can't use the search tool for that, which for me as a creator is really REALLY annoying when I want to find a specific episode or something. There's also the fact it's grouped up into seasons (if you're looking at a series, obviously this is not relevant to films) and anything that is a special episode (i.e. a Christmas separate special episode) is just listed under a "?", I really liked it when it listed it from newest to oldest, it made it easily readable and easy to find something based on date, but with this new version it just brings up this odd menu that's honestly just annoying, I liked all the episodes listed together, I don't want them all separately, we should at least we given an option as a creator to not have to have the new interface and instead stick to the old one. I also really don't like the non-season episodes (specials) being listed under a "?" it just feels like no one will even bother looking there.
There's also the fact the headings seem HUGE. Currently, I like the "series directed by" in small text with the name underneath, but on the new version they're unnecessarily huge and annoying. I want the actual name to stand out, not look drowned out by huge, unneeded, bold font. I also want the actor name and the character name to be the same size, not different, I think the character is just as important as the actor and I want people to actually be able to see the character name, not just the actor name.
I'm sure much of this has already been said but I wanted to contribute and the more people who leave a comment the more the designers will realised it's flawed (I should hope anyway).
7 Messages
142 Points
18 days ago
Terrible - downgrade
1. picture of the actor in a small circle is now too small. It was easier to see the actor with the larger square
2. The font color used on the character posted by the actor is difficult to read. It's LIGHT GREY on a white background. There is not enough. The ring needs to be darker to create a greater contrast between the font and background. The current colors are better - dark grey/black on white background.
3. The font size for actor and character both seem smaller making it more difficulty to read. There is plenty of white space so why is thea need to make the font smaller??
4. The dividing lines between actors in the list was better in my opinion.
7 Messages
142 Points
18 days ago
Terrible - downgrade
1. picture of the actor in a small circle is now too small. It was easier to see the actor with the larger square
2. The font color used on the character posted by the actor is difficult to read. It's LIGHT GREY on a white background. There is not enough. The ring needs to be darker to create a greater contrast between the font and background. The current colors are better - dark grey/black on white background.
3. The font size for actor and character both seem smaller making it more difficulty to read. There is plenty of white space so why is thea need to make the font smaller??
4. The dividing lines between actors in the list was better in my opinion.