5 Messages


112 Points

Saturday, October 7th, 2023 6:07 PM



Request: Sort watchlist by displayed (English) title, not foreign title

Some movies have an English title and an original, foreign-language title. Sorting a watchlist alphabetically does so according to the latter, even though the title is displayed in the list in English. For example, the movie "Life and a Day" has a note "Original title: Abad va yek rooz"; it sorts as "Abad" rather than "Life." Request: Alphabetical sort of a watchlist will do so according to the displayed (in my case, English) titles, not the underlying original title, e.g. as "Life" instead of "Abad."

5 Messages


112 Points

1 year ago

Some additional information if it's relevant: In my preferences, Title display country/region = United States, and Title display language = English.

5 Messages


112 Points

1 year ago

Perhaps what is needed is a preference setting such as "Title sort language."

5 Messages


112 Points

1 year ago

Additional problem: If the waitlist is exported as a CSV file, the titles (where relevant) will be the original foreign language, and the English title is not included at all. Request: Export the English title as well. Ideally, this would be English title first, just like the waitlist is displayed

5 Messages


112 Points

8 months ago

Both aspects of this problem have been fixed: (1) My watchlist now sorts by the displayed title (in my case, English) instead of by the original, foreign-language title, and (2) The exported CSV file now includes separate columns for "Title" and "Original Title." Wonderful! Thank you to the IMDb staff for this nice improvement!



7.4K Messages


181K Points

8 months ago

@KDI Thanks; we are glad you appreciate the changes.