2 Messages
82 Points
Searching Personal Lists
In advanced search there is an option to search through your lists. However, if you select more than one list the search only returns a title that is in both lists. I don't think this makes sense. If a title is in list1 and list2 it shows up in the results, but I wonder if the default behavior should be if the title is in list1 OR list 2 it should appear. Or at least we should have the option to both behaviors, I see how each could be useful in its own way.
5.1K Messages
118.5K Points
2 years ago
Options for each behavior would be ideal.
In logic, P OR Q = NOT( (NOT P) AND (NOT Q) )
(This is overly cumbersome when dealing with so much data.)
So I tried this
(the url doesn't support parentheses, so I NOT'd the operator as well as each list)
but just got the single title common to both lists, as though the outer NOT was distributed to each of the "inner" NOTs.
BTW, the V1 list has 83 titles, V2 has 71, with one common to both.
Yet when I Exclude V1, I get 14,432,555 titles; implying 14,432,638 total
Exclude V2, get 14,432,567 titles, also implying 14,432,638 total
Exclude both V1,V2, get 14,432,485 titles, implies 153 titles removed from total. So the 1 common title is in this Exclude results.
(You have to run each of those within moments of each other, because the total title count changes minute by minute. I dd it rapidly twice to confirm I got the same count twice for each of the 3 searches.)
2 Messages
82 Points
2 years ago
Great experiment, it makes a lot of sense. I noticed that the first "not" is actually distributed you can see it in the search title as it gets rid of the NOTS that you see in these search: https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?lists=!ls076263355,!ls076266550
But unfortunately the not does not seem to be changing the AND to an OR.