48 Messages
1.4K Points
Thanks for hosing Top Rated Indian Movies
RE: https://www.imdb.com/india/top-rated-indian-movies/?ref_=nv_mv_250_in_7
In your seemingly never-ending quest to make IMDb as useless as possible, have to say that removing movies seen/rated data from this page takes the cake! Really? Are you THAT desperate to increase clicks that you now expect me to open every single title to figure out which one's I've seen. Sorry, but there is so little improvement with any of these horrible changes, and I really don't care what you choose to blame. Blame the sky being blue, it doesn't make the changes any less infuriating nor diminish the decline in the site's usefulness. Guess you really want to shoo everyone to Letterboxd or something, right?
At this rate, it's looking doubtful that I'll make it to my 25 year anniversary, but what do you care, right?
Accepted Solution
7.4K Messages
181.1K Points
2 years ago
@xianjiro Thanks for the problem report. This is actually a bug and the page should not have been launched without the ratings display and the ability to filter based on rating status. We have flagged this for the appropriate team.
48 Messages
1.4K Points
2 years ago
I see we can now hide rated films. Is this the 'finished' version of the page or an interim?