3 Messages


90 Points

Thursday, February 15th, 2024 9:05 PM



Unable to view "Your Activity" page in IMDB. Never loads and times out with Error 500

Had this issue for months now (possibly years). I am not able to view "Your Activity" to see things like my badges etc. It goes into an infinite load until it times out with error 500. No matter which browser I use, same issue.

Please help fix this for me? 

8.6K Messages


177.3K Points

11 months ago

@needtochangethissometime 😀

Joined February 15th, 2024

IMDb member since December 2009



3 Messages


90 Points

Thanks, it loads when I click the above - but only if I am logged out. I am still unable to get to this when logged in. Every other aspect of my profile loads when logged in (ratings, lists, account settings) but not my profile/your activity.



1.3K Messages


12.6K Points

Hello @needtochangethissometime​,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I've forwarded this information to the appropriate team for further investigation. I'll reply once we receive further information.

Also, have you tried to open "Your Activity" page with a different web browser. I invite you to visit our help pages to see more information about this troubleshooting.

Thank you for your patience. 

3 Messages


90 Points

Thank you Jon.

Indeed, I've tried several browsers but have the same experience. I've also tried over VPN's to rule out any geo-related restrictions.



1.3K Messages


12.6K Points

Hello @needtochangethissometime,

Thank you for providing me with more information. I have forwarded this information t​o the appropiate team.




7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

11 months ago

@needtochangethissometime This is by design as your account has rated a very large number of titles which you cannot possibly have seen.