2 Messages


84 Points

Monday, December 5th, 2022 10:59 AM



User profile page: incorrect length for bars for "Top-Rated Genres" and "Top-Rated Years"

On the user profile page (https://www.imdb.com/user/urXXXXXXXX/) in the "Top-Rated Genres" and "Top-Rated Years" categories, the length of the bars showing the relative quantity of films watched in a certain year/genre are incorrect due to an error in HTML code.

Here is an example of the code for the year 2013 (where the maximum of films watched in a year is 43 for a different year)

23 films are counted for 2013, which is 53.488% of the maximum of 43, therefore the width of the bar should be 53.488px (out of the maximum 100px). However, in the code there is a comma ("53,488px") which corresponds to a value much larger than 100px. In consequence, most bars for years and genres are all capped at 100px and do not reflect the true quantity of films watched.

Here is an example of how it appears currently on the website:

And it would appear by replacing the comma:
Of note, this issue occurs on an account that is being used in France, where commas are used to separate the integer value from the decimal value (although not in HTLM), so it could be a localization error.
EDIT: Code formatting.



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

2 years ago

Hello @thefrench1796, 

I've forwarded this information to our technical team for further investigation.

I'll reply once we receive further information - thank you for your patience!



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

2 years ago

Hello @thefrench1796, 

Thank you for your patience! Can you tell us if you are still experiencing the same issue?

2 Messages


84 Points

Hello @Jon​ ,

The page now seems to behave perfectly as intended on my computer/account. Thank you for addressing this issue in such a quick manner.

Have a nice rest of your day, and happy holidays!
