2 Messages


130 Points

Monday, November 7th, 2022 3:05 PM



Watchlist missing a film which should be showing

Update: The watchlist righted itself without me doing anything and is showing the correct number again now, thankfully. I would be interested to know whether anyone else has encountered this though and what causes it, in case it happens again.

Hello. My watchlist has developed a strange issue today and I was hoping to solve it.

I have attached a screenshot to illustrate the problem.

I've never had this happen before, with the (of xxxx). I just wanted to know how can I see which film it is not showing, or fix it?

Thank you

Accepted Solution



1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

2 years ago

Hello @tasman,

The reason why you were seeing a filtered list was becuase you used the "Refine" option. Please note that by clicking on the "X" you can remove the refine filters.
