4 Messages


100 Points

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 12:32 AM



watchlist numbering broken

On imdb.com on Windows and Firefox, when I go to my Watchlist, and click "Edit," the numbering is messed up.  The top 2 movies/shows are both numbered 1, and if I try to fix it, movies/shows further down will have the same number twice in a row.  There seems to be no way to fix it.  This strange numbering just appeared a day or two ago.  Before that, the list would always renumber in order (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.) as soon you clicked on the "Save list order" button.  Clearing cache and cookies does not fix the problem.



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Dongor -

Thanks for reporting.  I have filed a ticket (#V977460248) for the tech team to investigate further.  In the meantime, can you clarify further what happens when you try to edit your Watchlist and change the order numbers?


4 Messages


100 Points

So right now the order of movies is 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10.  If I try to renumber it as 1, 2, 3, this is what results.  Also, if I don't change the number of a movie further down the list, after I press Save List Order, it somehow gets vaulted up into #3 spot.  I can move it back down by renumbering it to 11 for example, but often some of the movies end up out of order.  I cannot actually figure out a workaround to get the items in the correct order.  Also the list order in Edit mode, is different from the order that appears after I click on Done.  




17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Thanks @Dongor​.  I have passed along this information to the tech team.

4 Messages


100 Points

Thanks.  Appreciated.

4 Messages


100 Points

1 year ago

Oh it seems to be working now.  Thanks, Michelle and the Tech team!



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

I was able to see that tech fixed earlier today, thanks for confirming @Dongor!