K_PAXTON's profile

647 Messages


8.8K Points

Friday, May 21st, 2021 6:13 PM

In Progress

You can follow someone but you're never notified of any of their activity

You must manually visit each post of any user to actually follow only those topics.

Some persons I'd like to follow have posts going back many years.

It would be a monumental task to actually visit these Poll Contributors Posts.


Could this option please be activated instead of deactivated?

Someone keeps changing this to an Idea Post.

This is not an Idea.

If there is an option/function of "FOLLOW", why have it if it does "Nothing"

To "ME"!!!! This is a problem.

Could an IMDb staff member respond and explain why there is a follow function that's obviously "TURNED OFF"
May Paxton...

2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

I have often wondered the same thing. I am glad I am not the only one. 

647 Messages


8.8K Points


Again IMDb Moderators have changed this to an "IDEA" Post

It is not an "IDEA"

It is a Problem

It is a disabled function.

54 people have visited this post.

Please.....Would all of those 54 who have visited here.... comment that you want IMDb to enable this disabled function.

Thanks all..................



2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

I should probably start my own thread to make this point, but it would also be nice to have the ability to "mute" specific users on this forum. That's essentially the opposite of "following" a user. Both options should be added (and both should be rendered functional).


647 Messages


8.8K Points


I agree! 100%




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago


Can you confirm if this issue is still occurring?

If so, my understanding is that you are selecting to "Follow" another community member,

but you are not seeing any notifications when that member posts new threads or replies, is that correct?




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi forthehorde -

Thanks for the notice, I initially missed the personal information display, as such I have now removed the example image.

Thanks again!

647 Messages


8.8K Points


Yes that is correct.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi All -

Unfortunately, we currently don't support this following feature in the IMDb Community. 

I have set this thread to "Idea" for staff visibility and so members of the community can continue to comment and vote on this feature request.

647 Messages


8.8K Points


So it is policy that you do not have this turned on?

Is my interpretation of your answer correct.

Because you said, "We" don't support this following feature in the IMDb Community.

If so.


What harm is done following those we wish to?

647 Messages


8.8K Points


I asked for an answer above in the thread heading. Instead "We" get a cryptic answer.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Sounds as though Sprinklr doesn't support the particular type of notification option, or at the very least the requisite "plugin" (or so) for it has not been installed on the IMDb Community forum. I'm not a direct customer of Sprinklr, and I'm unaware of any other communities/hubs hosted through Sprinklr, so I wouldn't be able to check to see the scope of Sprinklr forum design/management features.

647 Messages


8.8K Points


I'm part of another community on Spriklr. It is a functioning option. IMDb obviously has it turned off. We are being treated as 10 year olds. We are all considered to be threats to others. IMDb wants to avoid discourse. This is a common practice now web wide. Free Speech is a bad thing!



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

@K_PAXTON Can you share which community this is? 

647 Messages


8.8K Points

@Taylor​ I neglected to answer as it would jeopardize my position with the company. Their way of doing things is superior and as it is a small community, I could not risk your nosing into another platform. Sorry but I could not trust the staff with this information. Not singling you out as a a bad employee, but other employees have revealed themselves as being rather poor at handling sensitive info and I have witnessed said employees make rather odd statements in this public arena.

I also waited to reply so as to take several months to monitor all the employees replies going back from this present time to the beginning which is almost eight years. I will not name names of what I determined to be the "Bad Eggs" of your staff from the past, but after a thorough reading of the posts I have concluded that volunteering the type of info you are requesting would be too dangerous.




647 Messages


8.8K Points

3 years ago

To the 80 persons that have visited this post.

PLEASE reply with up-voting this and leaving a comment to show your support.......



647 Messages


8.8K Points

3 years ago


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

I gave your "Idea" an upvote.

647 Messages


8.8K Points


Thank you KW Expert.

Free speech Lives!

Section 230...... The Communications Decency Act of 1996 is laughable.

Communications Decency!!!


Who decides whats "Decent"!

If I say that your opinion  on such and such is indecent as a platform moderator then I as said moderator can ban you. Even though you may have hundreds or thousands of likes.

1 person decides your access!!!!

That's not decent in anybodies mind!

This place uses no algorithm. One person decides your fate. Some of the Employees have poor skills in this area. They probably are too young and lack wisdom.

Thanks for your support

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

The congress of the United States has become notorious for ratifying bills that are titled contrary to how the corresponding statutes or regulations manifest themselves in enforcement of the Register. That's the wonder of doublespeak (the word a portmanteau of doublethink and newspeak) and euphemisms, we could suppose.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

2 years ago

Hi @K_PAXTON & All -

My apologies for the delayed staff reply on this older thread, IMDb staff are working through a backlog to address any missed/outstanding issues.

I'm following up on this again with Sprinklr Admin to review this feature and confirm if there is a bug that needs to be fixed.  As soon as I have an update on the status I will post the details here.

647 Messages


8.8K Points





17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

2 years ago

Hi @K_PAXTON & All -

I'm just following up here to confirm that the "Follow" option currently does not have any functionality.  I am working with Sprinklr to either remove this option from displaying on IMDb community profile pages or enable functionality (this option seems unlikely at the moment).

647 Messages


8.8K Points


That is no good. There are poll makers I want to follow but I must manually look at the main poll page and sift through hundreds of posts and replies that I do not wish to view. It is too time consuming.

Please turn on this function.


May Paxton
