15 Messages


190 Points

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 7:13 PM



Anyone else's StarMeter fall off a cliff this week?

My StarMeter usually hovers around 40,000, it's always been very consistent. This week it fell to 225,000. This has never happened. Many pro friends report the same weird fall. Anyone else have this happen this week? Was there a glitch or a reset of some kind?

15 Messages


190 Points

11 months ago

In the last two weeks there has been no data about Professionals who have Viewed our page. That line is now a blank. Is that information gone for good? It was very useful! (Although I would have liked to know more!)

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Where did the data about professionals viewing our page go?

15 Messages


190 Points

Why does it say "Solved" on this page when it has not been solved? There isn't even one comment! (Nor has it been fixed.)



1.3K Messages


12.9K Points

Hello @ajworkman2​,

The page view feature has been updated and now the information will only display when 6 or more IMDbPro members have visited your page. If you have less than 6 visits, this section will not be displayed. 

15 Messages


190 Points

@Jon​ I appreciate the info, thank you! Since you're an employee, may I ask: My StarMeter dropped off a cliff this week. I average around 40,000 but it fell 185,000 points, which it has never done. Many of my pro friends report the same. Was there a glitch or a reset of some kind this week? (This really truly has never happened to me.)

15 Messages


190 Points

11 months ago

I see my comments have been "merged" but they are two different questions. I still don't understand why my StarMeter fell so so so far this week (it's never once happened to me like this in all my years on the site). This is a different issue than seeing how many professionals viewed my page, which was answered. Is there a difference in the algorithm now? Has something changed generally on ImdbPro? I have a lot of friends complaining about the same thing. Seems not worth $149 a year now, frankly.

15 Messages


190 Points

11 months ago

I asked a question earlier about why my StarMeter metrics fell so so so far this week (has never happened like this before), which was, for some reason, merged with another question about the Page Views (which was answered -- that system has changed, apparently). But have the StarMeter metrics changed? Has there been a change made to the algorithms or something? 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New algorithm for the StarMeter?



1.3K Messages


12.9K Points

Hello @ajworkman2​,

I've reviewed your STARmeter graph on your IMDbPro page and confirm the ranking is correct.


The STARmeter ranking is based on several statistical indicators including the frequency and number of people who view an individual's IMDb page. The STARmeter ranking can change week over week based on this.

When statistical calculations are performed on such a large sample of data, even small variations in popularity can produce significant changes in rank. When an individual is very popular, the average interest of users over time remains fairly constant. With less popular names, it's more common to have sudden and sharp increases or decreases in the number of people who visit their page or see their filmography credits.

For further information on STARmeter, please see our Help page.



15 Messages


190 Points

Thanks Jon. I know this is the standard response (word for word) but honestly, the drop was too large and too unusual. And it happened to a number of people I know. I still believe there was a glitch last week. But thanks for your time in answering me.

15 Messages


190 Points

10 months ago

Anyone can look at my graph and see how it plunged two weeks ago, in ways it never has, and hasn't recovered. I know there's a standard reason always given here, word for word, but I still believe this is an algorithm glitch, or it was adjusted, considering other changes (like Page Views) becoming apparent. Anyone care to explain what IMDb's up to lately? Asking for myself and several professional friends. Would love it fixed!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Still curious if the StarMeter algorithm has changed in the last few weeks.



1.3K Messages


12.9K Points

Hello @ajworkman2,

I've forwarded this information to the appropriate team for further investigation. I'll reply once we receive further information.

Thank you for your patience.


15 Messages


190 Points

I appreciate it, thank you!



2.7K Messages


28K Points

Hello ajworkman2,

As per our research, this is normal behavior.

In order to preserve the effectiveness of the system, we are unable to disclose more specific information or further discuss this matter; however, we wish to reassure you once again that the ranking currently displayed on your page is correct, and is based the same formula used to calculate STARmeter for every person listed on IMDbPro.