1 Message


70 Points

Saturday, December 11th, 2021 4:03 PM



Cast Profile Pictures

I have very recently signed up for an ImDbpro profile (Louis Zygmuncik IV) and have added my film Unwelcome Guests and its cast. I have full permission to add profile pictures to my casts profile but cannot afford to buy more than one pro profile. Is there a way that I am able to add a picture to their profiles without paying extra so they can have a picture and not a blank slate? Id really appreciate it. 



1.3K Messages


12.6K Points

3 years ago

Hello @louiez4,


Please note that every member of the cast will need an active IMDbPro membership to claim an IMDb name page and display photos. You can find out more on IMDbPro memberships here: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/membership-benefits/what-s-included-with-an-imdbpro-membership/G6EFQ2AYEG3NKTM2?ref_=helpcs_p#