2 Messages
80 Points
Help!….out of my wheel house here……this 66 yr.old needs help !
I am trying to contact/ connect with the actors of the 2014 movie Fury: Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pena, and Jon Bernthal. My father is the only living veteran consultant remaining from this film. My brother and I are planning his 100th birthday party on August 13th at our local VFW. We would like something special for him and thought we could inquire about a card with a short greeting from the actors. He is a WWII tanker veteran from the tank named “Frances”. His name is Ray Stewart, living in the state of NC, and he was part of the 2nd Armored Division, 66th Regiment, Company F. I tried locating their agents but I ended up here. I don’t even know how I got here…….question, problem, idea ……yes to all! Any help would be soooo appreciated!
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
PS. I can be reached at Dellingerk@aol.com
Thanks, from a proud daughter
892 Messages
9.6K Points
2 years ago
Hi there Karen,
All contact information we have on a given individual is available online under the 'Contact' section, on their IMDb Pro page. :)
Please let me know if you need further help! :D