5 Messages


120 Points

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 1:21 AM



I am looking for a web page.

I may not have all the details correct but this is a similar description.  You click movies, select a budget range, and select a range of years. It gives the movies in the ranges you select. Many thanks.



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

19 days ago

@joanbutler This is IMDbPro Discover search and you can find the help at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/industry-research/imdbpro-discover/GLW8XQ4UYHZBHUDP

You can now also access the Discover Search by clicking “Customize your search” to the right of the IMDbPro search box; then change the tab from “People” to “Titles”; on the menu on the left specify a title type of “Movies”; and then all of the other filters will appear, including a budget range in the “Box Office” section on the left. 

For example, 2024 movies with a budget over $50MM, sorted by box office grosses  -> https://pro.imdb.com/discover/title?prevTab=people&prevParams=&ref_=dsc_pe_tab&type=movie&sortOrder=BOX_OFFICE_GROSS_DESC&pageNumber=1&earliestReleaseDateMin=2024-01-01&earliestReleaseDateMax=2024-12-31&productionBudgetMin=50

You can find further help on using IMDbPro at https://help.imdb.com/imdbpro

Hope this helps. 

5 Messages


120 Points

19 days ago

Hi Col_Needham, How do I get to filmmakers on the same page?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Hi Col_Needham, How do I get to filmmakers on the same page?



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

@joanbutler​ The directors & writers are already shown in the Discover search results and their names are linked to their pages (same with production and distribution companies).  To see any other credits, you will need to click the titles in the search results. 

5 Messages


120 Points

Many thanks. Have a good evening.