5 Messages
120 Points
I am looking for a web page.
I may not have all the details correct but this is a similar description. You click movies, select a budget range, and select a range of years. It gives the movies in the ranges you select. Many thanks.
7.5K Messages
182.3K Points
19 days ago
@joanbutler This is IMDbPro Discover search and you can find the help at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/industry-research/imdbpro-discover/GLW8XQ4UYHZBHUDP
You can now also access the Discover Search by clicking “Customize your search” to the right of the IMDbPro search box; then change the tab from “People” to “Titles”; on the menu on the left specify a title type of “Movies”; and then all of the other filters will appear, including a budget range in the “Box Office” section on the left.
For example, 2024 movies with a budget over $50MM, sorted by box office grosses -> https://pro.imdb.com/discover/title?prevTab=people&prevParams=&ref_=dsc_pe_tab&type=movie&sortOrder=BOX_OFFICE_GROSS_DESC&pageNumber=1&earliestReleaseDateMin=2024-01-01&earliestReleaseDateMax=2024-12-31&productionBudgetMin=50
You can find further help on using IMDbPro at https://help.imdb.com/imdbpro
Hope this helps.
5 Messages
120 Points
19 days ago
Hi Col_Needham, How do I get to filmmakers on the same page?