2 Messages
80 Points
IMDBPro account for child
I have my IMDBPro (free) account linked to my Amazon account. I am trying to set up an IMDBPro account for my daughter (14) and don't want to create a whole new Amazon account just for her. Is there a way to link her account with my Amazon account since I will be the one paying for her account until she's 18? Is there an alternative way to sign up minors that doesn't require an Amazon or separate credit card - since they can't legally have these accounts in their own name.
730 Messages
8K Points
2 years ago
Hello @Safira,
Please note creating or renewing an IMDbPro membership without linking an Amazon account is not possible at this time.
Please also keep in mind that an Amazon account can only be linked to one IMDb account at a time.
If you are planning to create a separate IMDbPro membership for your daughter and don't have a different Amazon account to link, we welcome you to create a free one at this time, so you may continue with creating the membership. The Amazon account can have your credentials, and when you claim your daughter's page, you will need to provide valid documentation, so our team can verify your relationship with the name page owner.
For more information, please see our help pages Linking IMDb and Amazon accounts and How can I join IMDbPro?