500 Messages
42.2K Points
IMDbPro introduces additional control options for professionals
Earlier this year IMDbPro introduced new personalization options allowing members to opt into self-identifying their demographic information, including gender/gender identity, race/ethnicity, disabilities, and sexual orientation, and choosing which of these fields display in a new “Personal Details” section on their IMDbPro name page and in IMDbPro search results. Members can also choose whether this information displays in a new “Self-verified on IMDbPro” section on their IMDb name page.
In order to provide all entertainment professionals easy access to these features, IMDbPro also introduced a free membership plan, allowing them to sign up for the service and claim their own page without a paid subscription.
Now, to continue supporting professionals through all stages of their careers, IMDbPro is introducing new features available to all members (i.e. subscribers to either the free or standard membership plan): members who have claimed their page can now choose whether to self-submit/verify their age/year of birth, birthname, alternate names, and other demographic information and decide whether or not this information is displayed on the IMDb and IMDbPro sites and apps.
While IMDbPro members have been able to decide whether or not their age/birthyear is displayed on IMDbPro for more than a decade, this marks the first time they can choose whether their age/birthyear is displayed on the IMDb site and apps for entertainment fans and general consumers. For IMDbPro members who choose not to show their age/birthyear on their IMDb name page, the month and date of their birth will continue to display. On-screen talent can also choose whether to self-submit an Age-Playing Range to display on their IMDbPro name page and in IMDbPro search results to help casting directors, producers, and other industry decision-makers who rely on IMDbPro as part of the talent discovery process.
Since 2019, IMDb has enabled professionals to decide whether to display their birth name (in instances where it differs from their professional or chosen name) and/or alternate names on their IMDb and IMDbPro name page by contacting Customer Support. Today’s launch advances this policy with a new, convenient, self-service tool for IMDbPro members to decide whether or not to display their birthname and any alternate names by which they have been credited on IMDb and IMDbPro name and title pages and in search results. For members who choose not to display their alternate names, the IMDb and IMDbPro title pages for productions they worked on will list their professional name with the notation “Credited as a different name” next to their credit, to reflect that this information differs from the on-screen credits.
These product and policy updates, developed with the input of GLAAD, SAG-AFTRA, and other leading industry organizations, are part of an ongoing commitment from IMDb to support progress towards more equitable hiring in the entertainment industry and align with the IMDb mission to be the most accurate and complete source of entertainment information.
IMDbPro members can access these features now using the “Edit your page” button at the top of their name page on the IMDbPro site or app. Age/birthyear and demographic information display options can be accessed in the Personal Details section, and birth name and alternate name display options can be accessed in the Performer Profile section.
For detailed instructions, please see: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/manage-your-personal-details-beta/GSPE4URAA93PW6C9
Full press release available here: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/IMDb/pr/pdf/IMDbPressRelease_121322IMDbUpdates.pdf
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
2 years ago
The help pages make clear that a name that is not displayed is not searchable. I wonder if it was considered whether the name could optionally be searchable, but not displayed. Even if someone doesn't want a former name or inaccurate spelling displayed, they might still like that you are directed to the correct name if you search for the wrong name.
2.8K Messages
84.7K Points
2 years ago
Just some quick points about this, eh, rather, eh, interesting post.
This policy change affects not only the people in the industry, but also the customers of this site as well as the contributors of the database. Yet, this has only been posted on the board for the people in the business. I don't know or understand why. I could think it means you only care about that group. I could also think you didn't want contributors to find out because they might not like DATA being removed from a DATAbase. I could also think you simply didn't think about it. Quite some things I could think off, none of them positive. But maybe there's a reason I didn't think of. If that's the case, I'm obviously glad to hear it.
Were there any groups consisting of customers and/or groups of contributors involved in this policy update?
And what where the "other leading industry organizations"? Were they also American, like GLAAD, SAG-AFTRA? I ask because this post seems to suggest IMDb wants to be more equal and inclusive, but the decision to remove data from a database that people from all countries (almost 200 of them) all over the globe use has been made by a couple of American organizations within the entertainment industry? To me, it seems that decision was not made with an enormous amount of inclusiveness.
This is obviously just a blatant lie. Stating you want to be accurate and complete while announcing (at the very same time!) a policy change that will remove facts from a database is simply Orwellian.
107 Messages
1.9K Points
2 years ago
@Giancarlo_Cairella , @Col_Needham
What about your commitment to provide your users the factual data? Why do you let the year of birth be hidden, I mean deleted from the database? Then you shouldn't force the contributors to add the year of birth when submitting a date of birth data because the system won't allow this, and it should also be updated accordingly.
107 Messages
1.9K Points
2 years ago
I realized the birthdays of people who have chosen to hide their year of birth (age) aren't displayed on IMDB searches, so is this also intentional? Normally speaking, the system should only hide the age not the day because it is displayed on the respective page (as it should), but not in the auto-created biography because it hides everything related to the birthdate data.
For example: The day is visible, but on the automatic biography only the place of birth is seen.
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
2 years ago
The date of birth field in the contribution form has been removed for people who have hidden their birth year. Will it not be possible to submit corrections to the birth date?
Edit: Confirmed here:
If it is not possible to correct a birth date, it has consequences for the reliability of the data.
107 Messages
1.9K Points
2 years ago
Will it ever get acknowledged by the staff? Why isn't there at least an answer?
160 Messages
2.6K Points
2 years ago
The IMDB lists the day of birth for actress Jane Levy https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3994408/bio (December 29th) but doesn't list a year of birth. I located her DOB on the California Birth Index at https://www.californiabirthindex.org/birth/jane_colburn_levy_born_1989_19294201 which is 1989. However, when I attempted to either correct the existing date or add a new entry to provide the year of birth, it won't allow me to and just has a section for a place of birth (Los Angeles).
I've tried several ways around this, but it doesn't seem to work. Can you tell me how to do this? I haven't had this problem before.
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
2 years ago
The documentation says users can "self-submit" or "self-identify" their birthdate. As far as I can tell, the Personal Details menu on Pro links to the traditional Date of Birth update form. So is there actually any change with regard to submitting a date?
4 Messages
82 Points
2 years ago
seems like imdb mesed up something (again). I see many entries without a year. so is this. It's 1990: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3231728/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr6
I can't add the year myself for some reason too, site's getting worse and worse. Would be nice if someone could add it.
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
1 year ago
Note: A bug caused a later reply to be displayed here instead of my original comment.
Supported in Pro Discover search, not Advanced Name Search. The text that I quoted clearly refers to the latter since that is the only one to include a birth year filter. Also: only supported for actors.
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
1 year ago
The version above may be a bit more intelligible than the version below which has made it into the help pages, although neither is perfect.
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
11 months ago
When the submission form blocks new additions of attributes with alternate names that have been hidden, the site cannot reflect that the credited name differs from the primary name.
The contribution form and help pages do not help with what to do.