andras_ostrom's profile

8 Messages


252 Points

Thursday, August 16th, 2018 8:05 PM


Known for Producer (in actual reality, Executive Producer)

When looking at a person's profile, e.g. the Executive Producer of Avatar, Laeta Kalogridis, below the name it says Laeta Kalogridis is "Known for Avatar Producer (2009)" and a poster of the movie. This is misleading, because Kalogridis was actually the Executive Producer. Any way to have this altered so someone can be correctly listed as being Known for Executive Producer instead of Producer?




7.4K Messages


181.1K Points

6 years ago

This is not yet possible, sorry. We will convert this over to the "Idea" section such that other users can vote / comment upon it for future consideration. 

8 Messages


252 Points

Hi Col, I wanted to follow up on this request. We are dealing with a person, Corky Barton...

...who was an executive producer on two of William Riead's films (The Letters, and Island Prey), but now he is soliciting investors and giving a false impression that he was an actual producer of the films, not just an executive producer.

When you search his name, the text that appears in the drop-down menu is "Corky Barton, Producer, Island Prey (2001)." And when you click on it, it says, "Known for: Island Prey, Producer" and "The Letters, Producer".

The issue is he's been raising money using the film “The Letters” as a sales tool to gain credibility and it’s ruining the reputations of the real producers who are William Riead, Lisa Riead and Tony Cordeaux.

Barton had nothing to do with producing the film, his name just appears in the long list of Executive Producers at the end of the film along with twelve or fourteen others some of whom had something to do with the financing.

We are asking that the issue be resolved and Corky be correctly listed as Executive Producer in all places... or that he be completely removed from IMDb for the protection of investors who he might be misleading with your website. Please advise...