6 Messages


120 Points

Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 4:04 AM

No Status


More affordable option for adding a headshot for non-industry people who don't need IMDb Pro?

Any plans to bring back the old headshot one-time payment plan or, better, adding a free headshot to the free version of IMDb Pro?

It seems like this site should want a headshot for as many people as possible, but I doubt many non-industry people (like me) who have IMDb pages from sports or news shows are paying over $100/year just to add a headshot that will be deleted as soon as their paid IMDb Pro subscription lapses or is canceled. Non-industry types also don't need the other paid Pro features like a resume and photo gallery.


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

2 years ago

On this forum, there is (or was) another thread proposing roughly the same nation, but I've not been able to find it. I remember inquiring about how suitable it would be for a customer to pay a one-time fee well in excess of the annual fee for full IMDbPro access just to have perpetual rights to change primary image on the IMDb name page about himself/herself, every so often (perhaps on a whim), for the entire lifetime of website/database.

6 Messages


120 Points

2 years ago

"Well in excess of the annual fee for IMDb Pro"? Nobody would pay that. It used to be $10 or $20.

IMDb should be inviting people to claim their page and submit headshots.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Used to be ten to twenty United Stats dollars, hm? I didn't know that, or perhaps I forgot. You bringing that up is greatly appreciated. Thank you. There was a period of time, from roughly 2002 to 2012, when I wasn't regularly visiting IMDb while signed into my customer account (since I've never written movie reviews or created IMDb lists, only rating two movies at the time), so there are tons pieces of IMDb history that I didn't directly witness.

6 Messages


120 Points

Yes, it used to be $10 to $20 for a headshot and it would remain forever. Now people have to pay ~$150/year and the headshot, absurdly, apparently gets deleted as soon as a subscription lapses (or even if the person dies). I understand IMDb needs to make money, but the current system is a huge money-grab.