4 Messages
214 Points
Please allow IMDbPro members to control ALL videos on his/her page!
I've already seen the information regarding "featured video logic." It does not address the question/problem of control. The "featured video logic" is flawed, especially for members who are paying for an IMDbPRO account yet do not have the ability to control which video best showcases his/her talents. The "featured video logic" needs an overhaul to allow up-and-coming actors (paying IMDbPro members!) to determine how his/her videos should be displayed, just as members are allowed to control which headshot best represents him/her. A relatively arbitrary system that prioritizes, for example, a trailer from 10 years ago instead of the performer's most recent demo reel is a disservice to hard-working actors who are spending years to advance their craft. (Not to mention spending hard-earned money to pay for an IMDbPro membership.) Please change this system. Performers, especially those paying for IMDbPro, should have the right to control WHICH videos are/are not displayed on their pages AS WELL AS the right to determine the order in which they are featured. Thank you.
6 Messages
222 Points
6 years ago
2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
6 years ago
We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback as we are always working on ways to improve IMDbPro.
I've shared this feedback with the team for consideration but in the meantime I've converted this over to the "Idea" section such that other users can vote / comment.
5 Messages
100 Points
4 years ago
If you agree, please hit the UP arrow in the green square above left to upvote this post. IMDb will ONLY take action to make this change if enough of us do that.
I am proposing that IMDb give PRO users a choice whether they want to manually order their own demo videos, or to "Let IMDb decide".
This would make IMDb more user-friendly, and a better user experience for many of us in the future. And Jeff Bezos famously attributed almost all of Amazon's success to "user experience."
I was not able to post my demo videos in the order my movies were released because I did not acquire the clips from them at the same time -- they came in little by little. Now the most recent one I posted is my oldest work, for which I am least known. But it's right at the top, after my featured video. It's not the best showcase for my work; I was only 21 at the time.
IMDb needs to know this is important to many smaller users who are paying for IMDb PRO.
They should let us order our demo videos, regardless of the date they were uploaded.
If you agree, please click on the green arrow top left next to the title, and also post a short comment that you agree that users should have a choice to order their own demo videos.
You can also help by post this in Facebook actors groups and in your social media.
The support agent at IMDb said ONLY when enough people upvote this idea will they take this proposal seriously. So asking you to upvote above and comment below that you agree.
5 Messages
100 Points
4 years ago
I wholeheatedly agree. I posted the below today; please see my post and give it a green arrow pointing up, to indicate you agree. THAT is the only way IMDb will take action; they want to know if a lot of people agree. I gave the green arrow up vote for this post to be sure, and hope you'll also do it for my post of today, July 17, 2021. Here it is:
Give PRO users the CHOICE to manually order their demo videos, or to "Let IMDb decide"
If you agree, please comment on this post so that IMDb takes action to make this change.
I am proposing that IMDb give PRO users a choice if they either want to manually order their demo videos, or to "Let IMDb decide".
This would make IMDb more user-friendly, and a better user experience for many of us in the future.
I was not able to post my demo videos in the order the movies were made because I did not acquire them all at the same time -- they came to me little by little, and the most recent one I posted is my oldest work, for which I am least known. But it's right at the top, after my featured video. It's not the best showcase of my work; I was only 21!
This is important to many of us smaller users who are paying for IMDb PRO.
IMDb should let us order our demo videos, regardless of the date they were uploaded.
If you agree, please post a short comment that you think users should have a choice to order their own demo videos.
The support agent at IMDb said if enough people like the idea, that they will take this proposal seriously. Please comment that you agree!