3 Messages


102 Points

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 2:34 PM



Removing Reps with (*)

Back in November I separated from my agent. I removed them, but they're still listed with an (*). I think this is making it harder for me to acquire new reps as they think I still have an agent. How can I fix this?



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

3 years ago

Hi @MickeyCasab1

As we no longer support unverified contact data, you're welcome to submit this as verified information instead. For step by step instructions, please see our help site article.

To hide (remove from display) the existing unverified information, which will allow for displaying your newly submit contact information, please take the following steps:
  1. Go to your Name Page on IMDbPro 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the yellow button, "Edit your Page"
  3. Under "Page Settings", select the "Page Controls" section
  4. You should then be presented the "Control Details" toggles, where you can choose to Hide or Display certain information on your IMDbPro page, such as your "Direct contact (unverified)"

3 Messages


102 Points



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

No worries - feel free to let me know if you do run into any issues