14.5K Messages
331.5K Points
Top Lifetime Adjusted Grosses
This chart can be found through Google, but there doesn't seem to be a link to it on the Box Office Mojo website anymore.
The FAQ describes the chart and also explains why it is important:
This is a helpful tool for converting box office earnings into a standard unit of measurement to better judge a movie's popularity and compare it to other movies released years or decades apart.
Overall, this method best compares "apples to apples" when examining the history of box office earnings.
730 Messages
8K Points
3 years ago
Hello @Peter_pbn,
Thank you for your feedback regarding Box Office Mojo by IMDbPro.
I’ve forwarded your feedback on to the appropriate team. Our site is constantly being updated and improved, and we welcome all comments and suggestions aimed at improving its features, flexibility, and ease of use.
For more information on Box Office Mojo by IMDbPro, please see our Help page:
Please let us know if we can offer any further help.
730 Messages
8K Points
2 years ago
Hello @Edward
We have been informed by our tech team that the latest prices into 2021/2022 have been updated.
Please let us know if we can offer any further help.