4 Messages


120 Points

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 6:21 AM

No Status


Ideas for Sprinklr

Meta: On top of comment section: 1) Offer "Sort by" element + 2) Revise default sort order preference for new users!

After my first post here — at community-imdb.sprinklr.com — I got a success message, but then I did not see me own message on top (the default on forums and Social Media).

I was uncertain then. Lost? Kept in moderation queue?

Proposal: Do that community a favor and sort by "Most recent" as a default. And offer a "Sort by" control element on top of the comment section! Thanks.

My research & workaround (somehow):

1) User Menu > View Profile > All Activities

  • That re-assured me that my message was not lost.
  • Still I was not sure whether it was kept in a moderation queue.
  • My own comment there has NO jumplink.
  • Had to hope for the best. No way to check/followup.

2) Profile Settings > Notification & Preferences > User Preferences

  • Default Conversation List Sorting: Relevance
  • That's really a bad default.
  • The default should be "Most Recent".
This post was created from this comment on different post

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

2 years ago

Welcome to the forum of/for the IMDb Community, porg​!

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

2 years ago

Your post apparently pertains to IMDb's Sprinklr account rather than IMDb·Com. Most likely it will be converted into its own thread-level post and hopefully very soon.

4 Messages


120 Points

2 years ago

@jeorj_euler​ Yes. I went one hierarchy level up, but there I have read-only access. I cannot create new topics. Only comments into a topic. Yes, some moderator please convert this into a stand alone topic higher up. Thanks.

The worst thing: Changing the preference to "Most recent" with "ascending" or "descending" has no effect. It remains in that horribly disorienting "Relevance" mode, which hinders chronological reading. The worst forum user experience I had since getting online in the early 1990ies. Twitter is pretty hard to comprehend in terms of hierarchy/navigation, but this Sprinklr forum topples that "confusion factor".

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Wow. I wasn't aware of such a limitation being imposed upon newly-created participant accounts of the forum.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

2 years ago

I'm not sure we can get anything accomplished in terms of improving Sprinklr. 

When IMDb first opened its message board on Sprinklr's predecessor, Get Satisfaction, that site had a general message board for dealing with the overall Get Satisfaction site, which participants from any of GS's customer sites could post to. And occasionally I would post there and get help with technical issues relating to the GS site. But then later they closed that board off so that only board administrators (for example, IMDb staff) could post to it. 

But here on Sprinklr, I'm not aware that a message board even exists for board administrators such as IMDb staff to use, much less one that regular users have access to.